Student Team

Levée de fonds pour Student Open Circles | Celebrating 20 Years of Diversity

726,40 $amassés sur 1 500,00 $

Campagne terminée le 2 mars 2022

Welcome everyone to the Student Team of Student Open Circles! Student Open Circles has been such a wonderful and significant part of our university experience. For 20 years, Student Open Circles has been embracing diversity by providing services to a multitude of groups in our community, while also empowering students from various backgrounds to make meaningful change.

The programs offered give us the opportunity to seek personal and spiritual growth, serve the McMaster and Hamilton community and inspire others to do the same. We love this organization and it continues to change not only our lives, but also the lives of Hamiltonians. This is only possible because of YOUR support! As Student Open Circles is a non-profit organization, we rely on grants and fundraisers (like this one) to raise the necessary funds to continue running our programs. We are so grateful to YOU for supporting us! 

Les supporteurs


Don de la part de

Brandon Hall 2020/2021

3 mars 2022 12:55


Don de la part de

Basia Cook

1 mars 2022 10:14

Don effectué sur Adan Amer's CVC Fundraising Page


Don de la part de

Adan Amer

1 mars 2022 08:20

Don effectué sur Adan Amer's CVC Fundraising Page


Don de la part de

Vivian Li

28 févr. 2022 13:11

Don effectué sur MAP Team