The Big Walk Fundraiser

Levée de fonds pour Triumph Camp pour les enfants touchés par des maladies chroniques

1 940,00 $amassés sur 15 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 30 juin 2023

Camp Triumph is an important place for children who have a family member with a chronic illness or disability. Their mission is to help children find community and respite from responsibility often placed on them who have sick or disabled family members. They make valuable connections with those who truly understand, and are given the ability to learn skills and build resilience. Camp Triumph is 100% free to every child attending the camp and relies on community and fundraising support. Your donation will help us achieve our fundraising goal by supporting Camp Triumph through our Big Walk Campaign. Donations raised by volunteers and sponsors will go towards the camp. 

MARS VR Lab: We create gamified VR experiences that allow children with disabilities to learn new skills in a safe environment so they can reach their full potential. MARS VR Lab was created by VR technology experts who collaborate with medical and rehabilitation specialists. VR allows us to create engaging worlds to safely help children with rehabilitation in a positive way. To learn more visit

This is the second annual Big Walk fundraiser created by MARS VR Lab to support Camp Triumph and all the children they help every year. Our first fundraiser took place last year on June 2022 where we fundraised over $11,000 which sent 18 kids to camp. This year our goal is to fundraise $15,000 for Camp Triumph.

To learn more visit

Les supporteurs


Don de la part de

Nicola MacNevin

10 mai 2023 11:43

Don effectué sur Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc./A. MacNevin


Don de la part de

Alanna MacNevin

10 mai 2023 10:55

Don effectué sur Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc./A. MacNevin


Don de la part de

Kelly Leahey

9 mai 2023 19:59

Don effectué sur Haileys Fundraising for Camp Triumph


Don de la part de

Don Mitchell

7 mai 2023 09:27

Don effectué sur Haileys Fundraising for Camp Triumph