Nancy Barteaux

Levée de fonds pour Triumph Camp pour les enfants touchés par des maladies chroniques | The Big Walk Fundraiser > Barteaux Labour and Employment Lawyers Inc.

0,00 $amassés sur 1 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 30 juin 2023

À propos de cette campagne

My niece and nephew grew up while their Dad lived with Huntington Disease.  Until their young teens, Steve lived at home but then lived in a nursing home nearby until he passed at 51.  Children who grow up in such circumstances develop a level of empathy, responsibility, and caring unlike many other children.  My niece and nephew are such wonderful human beings and now my nephew is living with this terrible disease which since his graduation from university has progressed significantly.  Children need the ability to forget about all of their struggles for just a little while and it was opportunities like this that showed my niece and nephew that people cared about them and were there for them and lifting them up.  Thank you for any support you can give.