Sydney's Service Trip Fundraiser

Sydney's Service Trip Fundraiser

Objectif de collecte de fonds

250 $ amassés sur 3 250 $

Période de collecte de fonds

15 jours restant(s)
La collecte de fonds se termine le March 31, 2025

Supporteurs de la collecte de fonds

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par Sydney Bacani

I've been a student at Millwoods Christian School my whole life, starting from preschool. I am now in grade 12 and in my last year of high school hoping to help serve in this once in a lifetime experience. This service trip is more than a trip overseas. It's a once in a lifetime experience where I will learn and develop skills that will be used for the rest of my life, it is also a rare opportunity for me spread the word of God and to grow in my faith as a follower of Christ. Being surrounded in a new culture and meeting new people will be such an eye opening experience and has been a desire of mine ever since I first heard about this humanitarian trip many years ago. I enjoy serving in my school community, and I believe this program will be a great opportunity for me to serve and step outside my comfort zone. I hope to come back from my service trip as a new person with a new perspective on life. Not focused on me, but on God and learning to serve others and put others before myself. This is an opportunity I don't want to miss out on, as it is my last year attending this school and my last chance. Such an experience will allow me to step away from life and commit myself to serving others who are less fortunate than me, and focusing on God and my relationship with Him.

Sydney's Service Trip Fundraiser

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Organisme de bienfaisance



140 caractères restants

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