Cette collecte de fonds est expirée, mais vous pouvez toujours faire un don directement à l'organisme de bienfaisance.

S.B.S Season's Eatings Fundraiser 2023

S.B.S Season's Eatings Fundraiser 2023

Objectif de collecte de fonds

650 $ amassés sur 1 500 $

Période de collecte de fonds

La collecte de fonds s'est terminée le December 31, 2023

Supporteurs de la collecte de fonds

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par S. Bruce Smith School

For over 20 years, S.B.S has fundraised for the Edmonton Food Bank. With the uncertainty of events in the past few years, the need for the Food Bank has increased. Last year, we collected over 1500 kg. Our goal this year is to meet or beat this amount. To continue to help the Edmonton Food through our Season's Eating Fundraising event, we will kick off our fundraising event with our Annual Community Halloween Party and the campaign will carry on until December 12, when we will stop collecting food donations at the school.  

Like in the past, we have set up a friendly competition between classes to see which class can bring in the most items of needed food donations to school between November 1 to December 8, 2023.

We are also encouraging monetary donations for this cause.  We have set a goal of $1500.  Donations can be made through this page. Which will close December 22 2023.

Please help us help us help others in need.

Faites un don maintenant

Organisme de bienfaisance


2. général

Montant recueilli650,00 $
Faire un don directement à l'organisme

Mur des supporteurs

Quelqu'un a fait un don anonyme de 50 $!

Quelqu'un a fait un don anonyme de 400 $!

Quelqu'un a fait un don anonyme de 100 $!

Quelqu'un a fait un don anonyme de 100 $!

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