Cette collecte de fonds est expirée, mais vous pouvez toujours faire un don directement à l'organisme de bienfaisance.

Nano One Food Bank Fundraiser 2023

Nano One Food Bank Fundraiser 2023

Objectif de collecte de fonds

1 115 $ amassés sur 1 000 $

Période de collecte de fonds

La collecte de fonds s'est terminée le December 15, 2023

Supporteurs de la collecte de fonds

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par Tamara Croft

Nano One's culture of inclusivity and wellness motivates us to give-back and support the community in which operate; we are committed to being the change we want to see.  

As we head into the holiday season, we are reminded that many of our neighbours may be struggling with food insecurity. Social policy, systemic racism, climate change, geography, and colonial food systems are just a few of the contributing factors that have created this increasingly critical situation we face as a society.

BC's food banks are facing greater need, now more than ever; with COVID-19, the climate emergency and the cost-of-living crisis, there is an unprecedented demand for food support.  As such, Nano One has decided to raise funds once again for Food Banks BC as we did in 2022. 

Our donations will help single parents, seniors, children, people with low incomes, people who have lost their jobs, people with disabilities and long-term illnesses, and homeless people – our neighbours in need.

Nano One Food Bank Fundraiser 2023

Faites un don maintenant

Organisme de bienfaisance

Food Banks BC

Food Banks BC (supporting all Food Banks)

Montant recueilli1 115,00 $
Faire un don directement à l'organisme

Mur des supporteurs

Gurmat M a donné 50 $!

Shabnam P a donné 30 $!

Quelqu'un a fait un don anonyme de 100 $!

Quelqu'un a fait un don anonyme de 100 $!

Dan M a donné 50 $!

Tania B a donné 100 $!

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