Cette collecte de fonds est expirée, mais vous pouvez toujours faire un don directement à l'organisme de bienfaisance.

Matrix the Magnificent Pink Shirt Day Fundraiser

Matrix the Magnificent Pink Shirt Day Fundraiser

Objectif de collecte de fonds

0 $ amassés sur 400 $

Période de collecte de fonds

La collecte de fonds s'est terminée le February 28, 2025

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par Shelley Green

In grade 7, I was picked on by a group of girls at school. Apparently one of their boyfriends was paying me too much attention. Although I did not encourage it, I didn't know that I was doing anything that would upset anyone. I was just being a kid. It got to the point that I was pretending to be sick all the time as I was getting phone calls every night from this group of girls telling me they "were out for me" and they "were going to kill me". If they saw me alone in the school yard they would surround me and each take punches at me. Even my boyfriend walked away out of fear of them. I went to the principal with my mother and he was afraid of their parents and stated so. I felt like I had nobody to protect me. I hated school.

No child should have to live in fear, do poorly in school out of fear.

It's worse now for kids with the internet and cyberbullying. 

Please support this cause and help kids deal with childhood bullying.

Matrix the Magnificent Pink Shirt Day Fundraiser

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Organisme de bienfaisance

