Making a Difference for Girls Through Water

Making a Difference for Girls Through Water

Objectif de collecte de fonds

52 $ amassés sur 1 200 $

Période de collecte de fonds

2 ans restant(s)
La collecte de fonds se termine le March 8, 2027

Supporteurs de la collecte de fonds

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par Jesse

Water is especially important for women and girls. Their time, life, education, and future can often depend on whether or not there is a nearby water source. When safe water is provided, girls have a better chance at school and women have more time for opportunities. There is no telling what women can achieve if we all had access to basic human rights and needs. This fundraiser is in honour of Marg, an incredibly inspiring woman! Hard-working, fiery, kind, funny, caring, and uniquely herself. She was born on International Women's Day and was passionate about education and women's rights. Water is intricately linked to both. The goal is raise enough money to fund a well rehabilitation in a community in honour of Marg. Access to life-saving water will help a whole community, and will help women and girls have better access to school and possibilities. Join in in support of all the amazing women out there and all the people helping people. 

Making a Difference for Girls Through Water

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Montant du donCe champ est obligatoire.
Ce champ est obligatoire.

Organisme de bienfaisance


3) Réhabiliter le puits en panne d'un village (une moyenne de 1 500$ chacun)

140 caractères restants

Mur des supporteurs

Quelqu'un a fait un don anonyme de 52 $!

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