How are you my friend,
I would like to invite you to donate to ORPHANS 'program that we are now doing fundraising the donations from friends like you. We receive any amount of donation which someone like to donate for supporting our work implementing with Our ORPHANS
we don't have enough food, good water, clothing and even drugs. Please we need help from you God-fearing people please share your love with us and let love lead. Any donations will be highly appreciated and God will bless you endlessly.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES.The project objectives are as follows:-
i/To prepare the youth orient themselves in school environment.
ii/To teach the youth the basic writing reading and counting.
iii/To prepare the children for enrolment to standard one primary school and To disseminate the Holly Word of God to make them better citizens embracing love and peace from their youth age up to old age.
Let us join together and save the next generation through giving them food,clothes,,shelter, education and medical care to the orphans Donate to us please brothers and sistersMay God bless you so much, amen