Cette collecte de fonds est expirée, mais vous pouvez toujours faire un don directement à l'organisme de bienfaisance.

F24 Food Drive

F24 Food Drive

Objectif de collecte de fonds

2 212 $ amassés sur 5 000 $

Période de collecte de fonds

La collecte de fonds s'est terminée le September 30, 2024

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par BMO Bank

One of the main reasons to participate is to help reduce food insecurity.  As in years past, this continues to be a major concern across the country with food insecurity impacting so many families and endangering the well being of all, especially children.  Without proper nutrition, children cannot live the active and prosperous lives they deserve, and it also contributes to a wide variety of health issues, both mental and physical.

One of the main reasons to get involved is that it helps reduce food insecurity. As in the past, food insecurity remains a major concern across the country, affecting many families and jeopardizing the well-being of the population, especially children. Without a balanced diet, children cannot lead the active and prosperous lives they deserve. Malnutrition also leads to many physical and mental health problems.

Faites un don maintenant

Organisme de bienfaisance

Moisson Montréal


Montant recueilli2 211,50 $
Faire un don directement à l'organisme

Mur des supporteurs