Anna's Service Trip To Belize

Anna's Service Trip To Belize

Objectif de collecte de fonds

3 200 $ amassés sur 3 200 $

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par Anna Radke

I am a 10th grade student at Millwoods Christian School and this will be my second year participating in a service trip.  After last year's trip to the Dominican Republic, I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve overseas again.  This year our group will be traveling to Belize and working on an aquaponics project that will be used to help feed the local community. I am thrilled to participate in this trip as this will be a sustainable project that will contribute to this community for years after I leave.  I look forward to getting my hands dirty and building relationships with the locals during evening ministry opportunities.  Thank you in advance for your prayers and donations.

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