Cette collecte de fonds est expirée, mais vous pouvez toujours faire un don directement à l'organisme de bienfaisance.

100 Women CYR - January 2024

100 Women CYR - January 2024

Objectif de collecte de fonds

10 901 $ amassés sur 10 000 $

Période de collecte de fonds

La collecte de fonds s'est terminée le February 14, 2024

À propos de la collecte de fonds

Collecte de fonds par 100 Women Who Care Central York Region

Deaf Blind Ontario - York Region

Supporting people who are deafblind, as well as people who are Deaf, hard of hearing and non-verbal with a developmental disability, to live their best lives.

Enriching Experiences

Assistive devices to enhance communication, equipment to increase accessibility, recreational programs to enhance quality of life and sensory excursions to explore new places all translate into meaningful life experiences.

A holistic approach to providing support services are customized to each individual’s unique needs, method of communication, and goals to increase their independence and enrich their life.  Your investment into these programs will help build a sense of confidence and give them the tools to accomplish ordinary and extraordinary things.

100 Women CYR - January 2024

Faites un don maintenant

Organisme de bienfaisance

DeafBlind Ontario Foundaion


Montant recueilli10 900,50 $
Faire un don directement à l'organisme