Vasculitis Foundation Canada 2024 Fall Lectures on ZOOM
par Fondation Vasculites Canadasamedi, 9 novembre 2024 de 10h00 (HNE) à 15h00 (HNE)Information sur les billets
La vente de billets pour cet événement est maintenant terminée.
VFC 2024 Fall Lectures on ZOOM will be Saturday, November 9th. from 10AM ET until 3PM ET.
Dear Vasculitis Foundation Canada Members and Friends,
VFC is pleased to host top speakers who will present topics of interest for vasculitis patients and caregivers alike.
We know vasculitis patients have lots of questions🤔 about their vasculitis. This fall you’ll have time to get answers😌 to those questions as each lecture has time for Q&A.
VFC members attend all VFC Lectures for free! Most of us renew our memberships at this time of year. You can renew your membership, or become a new member, at time of registration for the Fall Lectures for the annual fee of just $20.
If your membership is current, register for any lecture for free! We request everyone else to pay $20.00 for a one year VFC membership at time of registration to attend all lectures, and to vote on VFC matters. Your membership helps sustain your VFC by supporting our programs and core expenses.
VFC offers FREE membership for those who need VFC resources, but are unable to pay. We want vasculitis patients to join us regardless of their ability to pay for a membership.
Questions on your membership status? Email us at:
If you are able to, you can also make a donation to VFC, with an instant tax receipt by email, to help us, help you!
Save the date, bring your questions, and join us this fall!
On behalf of the Board, we look forward to seeing all of you on ZOOM on Saturday, November 9, 2024.
Keep well and stay safe😷.
Jon Stewart
Although subject to change, this falls speakers and the proposed program will be as follows:
Saturday, November 9, 2024 10AM to 3PM ET
10:00AM - 10:35AM ET: James Fireman HBA, LL.B – Toronto, ON Disability 101 in Canada! We don't talk about this topic enough, but for many, or even most, vasculitis patients will experience short-term or sadly even long-term disability (LTD & STD). James is a seasoned pro in disability law and is well equipped to offer advice, and answer your disability concerns and questions.
10:35AM - 11:10AM ET: Dr. Michael Mak - Toronto ON Dr. Mak specializes in adult psychiatry at CAMH in Toronto and understands the problem of disrupted sleep from prednisone, and the feeling of fatigue which are common complaints within the vasculitis community. He also understands the mental burden of coping with autoimmune diseases like vasculitis and can offer practical tips to help deal with the mental impact of vasculitis.
11:10AM - 11:45PM ET: Dr. Christian Pagnoux - Toronto ON Dr. Pagnoux will update us on new treatments for ANCA Associated Vasculitis (GPA, MPA & EGPA), avacopan/tavneous, new CAR-T cell research, and optimization of outcomes including the vitamin D study results and Bactrim/Septra.
11:45AM - 12:20PM ET: Dr. Mohammad Hashim Khan - Toronto, ON Dr. Khan is a Respirologist and will talk about vasculitis and your lungs. What are the early warning signs of lung involvement and how vasculitis affects your lungs.
12:20PM - 1:15PM ET: LUNCH BREAK (on your own)
1:15PM - 1:50PM ET: Dr. Katherine Siminovitch - Toronto, ON Dr. Siminovitch will give us another progress report on her vasculitis genetics research, and GPA/MPA in particular. Learn how her research has advanced since those first DNA collections in the spring of 2001!
1:50PM - 2:25PM ET: Dr. Mats Junek - Hamilton ON The PEXIVAS study keeps on delivering new findings including new data on relapses, and on fast versus slow steriod tapering, which is still a big issue. And, COVID is still here! So, of course, it's time for another COVID update!
2:25PM - 3:00PM ET: Dr. Jean-Paul Makhzoum – Montreal, PQ It’s time for a complete review of Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA), from its beginnings to now! GCA affects more vasculitis patients than any other form of vasculitis.
*VFC Waiver and Release for all participants
I understand that by choosing to participate in the Vasculitis Foundation Canada/Fondation Vasculites Canada 2024 Fall Lectures there may be risks and dangers inherent in participating in this event. I agree to assume these risks and release and hold harmless VFC, and their officers, volunteers, vendors, sponsors, agents, and other officials.
I am aware that this is a RELEASE OF LIABILITY and a contract between me and the persons and entities mentioned above which I accept of my own free will. If I am under 18 years of age at the time of registration, my parent or legal guardian has reviewed this Waiver and Release, and understands and consents to its terms, and authorizes my participation.