par UNITED WAY OF LETHBRIDGE & SOUTH WESTERN ALBERTA SOCIETYmardi, 29 juillet 2025 de 12h30 (HAR) à 21h00 (HAR)Paradise Canyon Golf Resort 185 Canyon Blvd West, Lethbridge, AB T1K 6V1
Obtenir des billets

Information sur les billets

Type de billetPrixQuantité

Title Sponsor

5 000,00 $

Carts Sponsor

3 000,00 $

Beverage Cart Sponsor

3 000,00 $

Hydration Sponsor

1 500,00 $

Volunteer Sponsor

1 500,00 $

Lunch Sponsor

1 500,00 $

Dinner Sponsor

1 500,00 $

Platinum Sponsor

1 600,00 $

Gold Sponsor

1 000,00 $

Silver Sponsor

650,00 $

Single Golfer

250,00 $

Dinner-Only Ticket

75,00 $

Super Ticket (Value of $60)

50,00 $


20,00 $

Veuillez faire un don si vous êtes dans l'incapacité d'assister à l’événement, ou si vous voulez contribuer davantage



United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta funds programs and projects that align with our Three Pillars. Funded programs help people avoid or move out of poverty, build healthy people and strong communities, and help children and youth reach their potential. Every year our funded programs change according to what the greatest needs are and what agencies apply. The LOCAL LOVE GOLF CLASSIC is one of our most impactful fundraisers!



July 29, 2025

Paradise Canyon Golf Resort

12:30 - Registration/Lunch

1:30 - Tee Off

6:00 - Cocktails

6:30 - Dinner & Prizes

Progrès réalisés dans l’atteinte de l’objectif visé

Jours pour acheter

Paradise Canyon Golf Resort185 Canyon Blvd WestLethbridge, AB T1K 6V1


Our volunteers are a vital part of the the LOCAL LOVE GOLF CLASSIC.  Please contact us if you would like to help out.



Des questions à propos de cet événement?

United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta403-327-1700together@lethbridgeunitedway.ca
#203B, 542 - 7 St SLethbridge, ABT1J 2H1

À propos de cet organisme

United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta funds programs and projects that align with our Three Pillars. Funded programs help people avoid or move out of poverty, build healthy people and strong communities, and help children and youth reach their potential. Every year our funded programs change according to what the greatest needs are and what agencies apply.