Cette campagne est terminée. Apprenez-en plus et faites un don à cet organisme.
95,00 $amassés sur 1 000,00 $
Campagne terminée le 3 janvier 2022
In leau of birthday gifts and in the season of giving, I would like to ask my buddies and family to donate any nominal amount or drop off any used and unneeded hockey equipment to me!
I have enjoyed playing the game for 9 years (since I was 2). I would like to give back to the game I love and gift the present of sport to other kids!
Kaleb Skinner (aka Skinny)
Don de la part de
18 déc. 2021 10:05
Don de la part de
16 déc. 2021 23:31
“Happiest of birthdays to you Kaleb! What a kind thing of you to do to use your birthday to share the gift of the game with others! From your buddy Grayson!”
Don de la part de
16 déc. 2021 22:35
“Happiest of birthdays Kaleb Skinner. What a great idea to give to the Flames Sports Bank. You are an athlete who gives her all whether it be hockey, lacrosse, or baseball!”