LiT (Lumiio in Tights)

Levée de fonds pour MitoCanada Fondation | Z MitoSpin 2022

13 017,19 $amassés sur 15 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 12 mars 2022

We are Energizing Lives!

We all need energy. It is as simple -- and complex -- as that.

We are going to use our energy to support MitoCanada. We are hoping you'll support us by sponsoring us for the 2022 MitoSPIN on February 26th.

Every one of us is fueled by trillions of microscopic powerhouses called mitochondria. These tiny, mighty, energy-producing structures generate the energy we need to survive.

Our major organs use the most energy so when mitochondria fail, we struggle to think, breath, move and live. We are all at risk of inheriting or developing mitochondrial disease. It can affect anyone at any age. There is no cure. 

There is, however, hope! MitoCanada is the only national charity dedicated to creating a world where all lives are powered by healthy mitochondria.

Les supporteurs


Don de la part de

Daisy Tse

26 févr. 2022 20:46

Don effectué sur Blaine's Mito Spin - Making Evan Proud


Don de la part de

Fanny Barrette

26 févr. 2022 17:10

Don effectué sur Blaine's Mito Spin - Making Evan Proud


Don de la part de

Patricia Cormier

26 févr. 2022 16:10

Don effectué sur Blaine's Mito Spin - Making Evan Proud


Don de la part de

Lawrence Korngut Professional Corporation

25 févr. 2022 23:51

Don effectué sur Blaine's Mito Spin - Making Evan Proud