Cette campagne est terminée. Apprenez-en plus et faites un don à cet organisme.
6 560,57 $amassés sur 6 502,00 $
Campagne terminée le 21 mai 2021
Misericordia Place resident Chris Koladka is churning out kilometres on the rehabilitation bike, barely out of breath.
“If I could go anywhere in the world, it would definitely be to France,” says Chris, who has never travelled outside of Canada. “I’d really like to follow the route my unit took leading up to D-Day in the Second World War. I wasn’t in the Second World War,” he clarifies, laughing. “I’m not that old.”
Recreation facilitator Ana will help Chris trace his unit’s 6,502km journey to France.
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23 avr. 2021 14:54
“Matching Funds!”
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23 avr. 2021 14:53
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9 avr. 2021 16:23
“Matching funds!”
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9 avr. 2021 16:22