Painting across the pond - Rita's journey to Munich, Germany - 7,160km

Levée de fonds pour MISERICORDIA HEALTH CENTRE FOUNDATION INC. | Around the World in 80 Days

7 424,08 $amassés sur 7 160,00 $

Campagne terminée le 21 mai 2021

À propos de cette campagne

Resident Rita Covernton is at home painting colourful tulips at Misericordia Place in strong, confident strokes.

“I think it’s muscle memory,” says her daughter Janice Beveridge, who shares her Mom is living with dementia. Janice makes an educated guess where Rita would most like to visit in the world: “It would be to further explore Germany, her father’s - my grandfather’s - birthplace.”

Rita’s father attempted to emigrate to Canada during the First World War but was turned back at the border and ended up fighting for the French Foreign Legion. Happily, he did eventually make his way to Canada!

Next up on Rita’s painting schedule: sketches of Munich!

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Janice Beveridge

20 mai 2021 23:11


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Winnipeg Canadian Tire Dealers

10 mai 2021 20:35

“Matching funds!”


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10 mai 2021 20:34


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Winnipeg Canadian Tire Dealers

10 mai 2021 19:38

“Matching funds!”