We The Women - Volume 1

par Miramichi Literacy Council Inc.lundi, 16 décembre 2024 de 00h01 (HNA) à lundi, 31 mars 2025 23h59 (HAA)
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We the Women - Poetry Chapbook

10,00 $

Shipping: 1 to 2 books

5,00 $

Shipping: 3+ books

13,00 $


We The Women is a collection of poetry written by the women who participated in a six-week writing course held at the New Brunswick Women's Correctional Centre. Sponsored by the Miramichi Literacy Council, this poetry writing course is offered during the spring and fall of each year, and explores genres of poetry that include erasure and storytelling poems, haiku, the writing of Lady Sei ShŌnagon and more.

This collection is now available to purchase through this site or for more information about purchase options and shipping, please contact the office at 506-836-7882 or email info@miramichiliteracy.org.


You can use this form to purchase copies of this amazing publication. 

$10 per copy of We the Women

$5 - shipping of 1-2 copies to one location

$13 - shipping of 3 or more copies to one location 

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Des questions à propos de cet événement?

Miramichi Literacy Council506-836-7882info@miramichiliteracy.org
80 University Avenue, Room B-1107℅ NBCC MiramichiMiramichi, NBE1N0C6

À propos de cet organisme

The Miramichi Literacy Council (MLC) was founded by Dorothy Creighton and a dedicated group of volunteers in 1978. We have been a local non-profit organization for over forty years, and in 2023, became a CRA registered charity. Our mission is to help adults improve their literacy skills and to promote literacy awareness. We do this through an increasingly broad range of programs and community literacy initiatives. We offer free, confidential one-to-one tutoring for adults in reading, writing and math. We provide both individual and group-based ESL tutoring for newcomers. Local partnerships with the John Howard Society, the Women’s Correctional Centre of New Brunswick and the Chatham Public Library have also allowed us to expand our programs within the community.