Race Judicata


36 465,00 $amassés sur 50 000,00 $

Since 1999, the Edmonton legal community has come together to sponsor a home for a local family through Habitat for Humanity Edmonton. Each build is named in honour of a distinguished member of the judiciary, and represents a lasting legacy of the legal profession in Edmonton.

The next Legal Build will celebrate the memory of the late Alexander D. Pringle, Q.C.

On September 21, 2019, the Legal Build team is hosting Race Judicataits annual fun run for the Edmonton legal community. Taking place in Edmonton’s picturesque Sir Wilfred Laurier Park, all proceeds from the run will benefit the Habitat build in honour of the late Alexander D. Pringle, Q.C. Register as a firm or as an individual. Family, friends, and all members of the public!

For more information, visit www.lawbuild.org.

Les supporteurs


Don de la part de

Catherine Zrymiak

31 déc. 2019 17:32

Don effectué sur Susan Zwaenepoel


Don de la part de

Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta

23 sept. 2019 13:59

“On behalf of the Justices of the Court of Queen's Bench upon the retirement of the Honourable Justice Thomas.”


Don de la part de

Hoa Quach

23 sept. 2019 09:08

Don effectué sur Daniel Chivers


Don de la part de

Peter Arnold

22 sept. 2019 17:17

Don effectué sur Nicole Stewart

Faites un don à Race Judicata

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Votre don servira à supporter HABITAT FOR HUMANITY EDMONTON. Utilisez les listes déroulantes ci-dessous si vous souhaitez que votre don soit appliqué aux résultats de collecte de fonds d'une équipe ou d'un participant .
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