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Dénomination enregistrée : Church of the Epiphany

Numéro d'entreprise : 892502048RR0002



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À propos


a donation|EPIPHANY

A place, creating a community of partnerships with people. Each group motivated by the drive and spirit to care for others. Either through food security, literacy, or wellness for the body, for the mind and of course for the soul. Please make a donation today to support EPIPHANY's general ministry.


A professional kitchen needs to be used to serve. And Epiphany does, working through partnerships with others to feed and to educate others in the basic methods of healthy and sustainable cuisine. At least twice a month we serve community lunches where we see lives changed through fellowship over good food served with smiles. We continue to look for others groups to provide this service from seed money we can provide from your donations to cuisine|EPIPHANY. 


Our red brick building is beautiful and safe. However, it needs upkeep if we want to continue everything we do in Verdun. 

epiphany|verdun continues to build awareness in the community of Verdun.

There is a need to receive both physical and spiritual nourishment. Many who come for a meal at our Thursday lunch program or have participated in our Wednesday afternoon creative classes also come on a Sunday morning to give thanks. From literacy, a community garden and creative expressions in art, cinéma, and music, we are reaching out. Discussions are in the works for educational seminars to provide conversations to bring us collectively into a greater awareness for why we exist and do what we do.

Now, what can you do? If you would like to be a part of epiphany|verdun, come and say hello. And if you would like to encourage and sustain us financially now and into the future, please send us your gift or give online now by clicking on the image link. We have partnered with All donations will be receipted.


The day to day activities and partnerships of 4322 rue Wellington, Verdun

Day to day, week to week, through partnerships, the church of the Epiphany has become a centre of the Verdun community. Through association, partnerships are developing to bring one another together with reason and purpose to encourage, sustain and love one another.

Worship services begin each week on Sunday, where we gather together to give thanks and be spiritual renewed. Lunch follows with the congregation gathering around the community table to break bread. On Wednesdays, Church of the Epiphany gathers for noon Eucharist which is followed by a soup lunch.

cuisine|epiphany A professional kitchen needs to be used to serve. And Epiphany does this, working through partnerships with others to feed and to educate others in the basic methods of healthy and sustainable eating. At least twice a month we serve community lunches where we see lives changed through fellowship over good food served with smiles. We continue to look for other groups to provide this service from the encouraging seed money we can provide from your donations to cuisine|epiphany.

building|epiphany Our red brick building is beautiful and safe. However it needs regular upkeep if we want to continue everything we are called to do in Verdun.

Epiphany lifelong learning centre continues through the week, providing a place for our neighbours to grow through learning in community.

Handicraft/Knitwits & Book Club. Wednesdays; 13:15 – 16:00. Members and friends of Church of the Epiphany gather on alternating Wednesday afternoons to learn creative ways to make practical items and decorations for our church suppers and bazaars. And on the 3rdWednesday of the month, our Book Club assembles to discuss and share ideas.

RECLAIM Literacy is champion in teaching adults the best practices for managing reading difficulties. RECLAIM’s hours are respected as follows: Mon.9-3:00, Tue.9-3:00, Wed.9-12:30,and Thur.9-12:30.

Ciné-Verdun has partnered with epiphany|verdun to show film documentaries followed by a community discussion on selected Monday evenings and some Saturday afternoons. Each event is designed to teach, inspire and encourage our neighbours to realize the difference we can all make. 

Vegan Workshops continues to attract people looking for alternatives to a meat diet while being aware of other dietary concerns; eating better means living better. 

Verdun Army Cadets. Imagine, upwards to 50 neighbourhood youth sharing our space coming to seek leadership formation with an eye to community development and service. 

Growing Together. A new initiate with CCS to give parents with children ages 0-5 a chance to meet other adults by sharing each other’s experiences while learning about local social services for them and their families. 

Our partnerships continue to grow as we expand our community garden with a neighbourhood garden coordinator, Un plant de tomate à la fois.

We are always seeking ways to open our space with creative and efficient stewardship, sharing and learning together in Christ’s love and in harmony with our neighbours.

You may donate in person, or through our online-giving found on our web page or with Facebook. Simply go to:

Please visit our web page;–and please like us on Facebook :




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