Saturday Aug 27, 2022 3rd Annual Hike Bike and Bark for Hospice


59 542,06 $amassés sur 50 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 20 septembre 2022

The 3rd annual Hike Bike & Bark for Hospice will be taking place on Saturday August 27, 2022 to Sept 10, 2022. All proceeds from this event support Hospice Service program, based out of Ed's House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre, which supports those with a life-limiting illness and their caregivers & loved ones throughout Northumberland County.

Join us in person for the 3rd annual Hike Bike & Bark for Hospice! Registration is $25.00 person, $50.00 per family or $100.00 per team and includes a Hike Bike & Bark t-shirt, cookie from Roda's Kitchen for the first 100 participants on Aug 24, 2022.

Day of Schedule:

9 a.m Registration? Sign-In Opens

10 a.m Hike Begins

11:30 BBQ begins back at Ed's House

Once you register you will have access to your own fundraising page and resources to help you promote & get ready for your Hike for Hospice.

Have a question? Contact Darlene at

Ed's House Northumberland Care Centre is a community based-hospice organization that provides compassionate care and support out of Cobourg, ON. Our hospice provides support for those with a life-limiting illness & their caregivers & loved ones throughout Northumberland. 

Our services are provided at no cost to our residents or their loved ones thanks to the generous support of our community & events like Hike Bike and Bark. With government funding covering half of our operating costs we rely on the generosity of the community to provide the level of care that individuals require at this time in their lives.

Les supporteurs


Don de la part de

Ricarda Renner

27 sept. 2022 08:46

Don effectué sur Selena's 2022 H.B. & B. for Hospice fundraiser


Don de la part de

Hubbel & Johnston Chiropractic

20 sept. 2022 08:57

Don effectué sur Hubbel & Johnston Chiropractic


Don de la part de

Alison Taylor

19 sept. 2022 09:23

Don effectué sur Alison Taylor


Don de la part de

Suzanne Grew Ellis

19 sept. 2022 09:00

Don effectué sur Jennifer D