PURSE BINGO - Mardis Gras
par Societe Chorale Canadienne Croatevendredi, 28 février 2025 de 18h00 (HNE) à 23h59 (HNE)Holy Trinity Croatian Church Hall 2110 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6H 7H2, Oakville, ON L6H 7H2Information sur les billets
La vente de billets pour cet événement est maintenant terminée.
Join us for a fun-filled evening of purse bingo - theme: Mardi Gras; at Holy Trinity Croatian Church Hall! This event is not to be missed. Great feedback from those that attended the last one. Don't miss out on this one. Bring your friends and family for a chance to win fabulous designer purses while supporting a great cause. All proceeds will benefit the CCCS Fund. Mark your calendars and get ready for a night of excitement.
$45.00 entry (10 card games; 10th game bonus set – full card);
Purchase of additional books available
50/50 draw
Raffle tickets
$45.00 entry (10 card games; 10th game bonus set – full card
Purchase of additional books available
50/50 draw
Raffle tickets
Cash Bar
Snacks, light finger food provided
- Marta Trogrlic + 7 guests
- Anonyme
- Adriana Carretti
- Anonyme
- Teresa Baricevic + 5 guests
- Anonyme + 2 guests
- Anonyme
- Anonyme + 1 guest
- Michael Yelavich
- Anonyme + 2 guests
- Anonyme + 3 guests
- Kimberley Holloway + 2 guests