Camp Promise Fun Run

Levée de fonds pour Camp Promise Barrie

3 531,00 $amassés sur 5 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 21 mai 2022

The annual Camp Promise Fun Run supports the work and ministry of Camp Promise Barrie, a charity dedicated to supporting under-resources families in the NE area of Barrie, ON through an affordable after school program, March Break and Summer Camps.

This year, all proceeds from the Fun Run will go to support Camp Promise's four-week Summer Camp. Summer Camp takes place throughout the month of July, allowing families an opportunity to participate in a summer camp who wouldn’t normally be able to provide that experience for their children, for a number of reasons. Summer camp involves sports and games, arts and crafts, skits, Bible stories, worship songs and actions, lots of fun experiences and is a great time for building relationships and sharing Jesus. It’s also a great opportunity for some of our youth group students to get involved in leadership for the first time and our older leaders to take on new roles, discover their gifts and grow as they lead others.

Les supporteurs


Don de la part de

Jonathan Häßner

18 mai 2022 03:31

Don effectué sur Jonathan and Damaris


Don de la part de

Lea Theweleit

16 mai 2022 09:31

Don effectué sur The 4 German musketeers and friends


Don de la part de

Ian Simpson

15 mai 2022 20:06

Don effectué sur Team Simpson


Don de la part de


15 mai 2022 17:18

Don effectué sur Team Simpson