Saanich Predators - October 23, 2022

Levée de fonds pour Buddy Check for Jesse Society

235,00 $amassés sur 2 500,00 $

Campagne terminée le 31 décembre 2022

The Saanich Predators want to bring forward awareness around mental health.
We know Buddy Check for Jesse has been impactful around the hockey community and we want to remind players, families and spectators the support that is out there if needed. Creating more awareness around mental health is important, not just under normal circumstances, though we feel with all that has happened in the last couple years it is extremely important now.
We will be raising funds throughout the season and hosting events.
Our first Buddy Check for Jesse event will be a hockey games between the Saanich Predators and the Victoria Cougars at Pearkes Arena. Gate opens at 5:30pm, warm up is 6pm and puck drop is 6:30pm. Come join us to help spread awareness.
For more information and to view the main site:

Les supporteurs


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23 oct. 2022 19:02


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Holli Hodgson

22 oct. 2022 20:45


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Sean Patten

22 oct. 2022 20:19

“Keep up the good work you guys”


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19 oct. 2022 17:03