Livin' on a Spare

Levée de fonds pour Grands Freres Grands Soeurs d'Ottawa | Rock n' Bowl for Kids' Sake 2018

1 760,00 $amassés sur 2 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 9 mars 2018

Thank you for visiting and donating to our team's page.  Many of the members of our team are also volunteer youth mentors with Big Brothers.  We know first hand how much of an impact your donation has on these young peoples lives.  Thank you for making a BIG difference!

Les supporteurs


Don de la part de

Ryan Poll

9 mars 2018 12:41

Don effectué sur Rock & Bowl for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa


Don de la part de

Linda Beamish

2 mars 2018 12:22

Don effectué sur Livin' on a Spare


Don de la part de

Sara Poll

2 mars 2018 09:13

Don effectué sur Rock & Bowl for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa


Don de la part de

Kevan Puddicombe

1 mars 2018 17:51