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4-H British Columbia

Dénomination enregistrée : 4-H British Columbia Provincial Council Society

Numéro d'entreprise : 131704173RR0002

Although 4-H has it's roots in agriculture and we do love our animals, we have come to mean so much more to our members & volunteers.

4-H British Columbia


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À propos

Our Mission

The 4-H British Columbia Provincial Council will strive to develop skills in our youth and volunteers to achieve personal development, leadership, awareness, citizenship and sense of community in an exciting and challenging environment.

About 4-H British Columbia PROVINCIAL COUNCIL

4-H British Columbia 

- Developing Leaders and Strengthening Communities - Since 1914 -

The 4-H program provides young people with an opportunity to learn how to become productive, self-assured adults who can make their community and country a better place in which to live. This is fostered through project and program work, experiences with their 4-H club members and leaders and their participation in district, regional and provincial programs.

The goal of the 4-H program is youth development. The objectives of 4-H clubs are knowledge, leadership, citizenship and personal development.

The 4-H motto is "Learn to Do by Doing"

4-H stands for HEAD, HEART, HANDS AND HEALTH. The 4-H pledge describes the significance of the four H's:

I pledge:

My HEAD to clearer thinking

My HEART to greater loyalty

My HANDS to larger service,

My HEALTH to better living,

For my Club, my Community and My Country


1150 Kalamalka Lake Rd.

Vernon, BC, V1T 6V2

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