The Incredibowls

Levée de fonds pour Autisme Connexions | SPARES & STRIKES FOR AUTISM 2024

2 460,00 $amassés sur 2 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 2 décembre 2024

On November 16th, our family will be participating once again in the Spares and Strikes Bowling Event in support of Autism Connections Fredericton.  This is a non-profit organization very dear to our hearts that has provided many years of programming, support, and resources to the autistic community and their families including our own.  Harrison attends summer camp at ACF, participates in the soccer program, and has attended many other activities since he was three.  We would sincerely appreciate your support in our fundraiser coming up in November.  All donations through Canada Helps will receive a tax receipt and any cash/e-transfer donations over $15 will receive a tax receipt as well.  Thank you so much for your support!

Les supporteurs