Greater Toronto Ataxia Walk 2019

Levée de fonds pour Ataxie Canada - Fondation Claude St-Jean

16 029,50 $amassés sur 10 000,00 $

Campagne terminée le 27 septembre 2019

Since 1972, Ataxia Canada - Claude St-Jean Foundation is supporting medical research and the people living with the disease on a national scale. Our board of directors is composed of engaged administrators with varied experiences living in many communities across Canada. We are a small but dedicated team and we need your support to affect change.

Our mission is to improve the well-being of people with familial ataxia and support research

Les supporteurs


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25 sept. 2019 20:05

Don effectué sur VJ’s Ataxia Walk


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25 sept. 2019 20:02

Don effectué sur VJ’s Ataxia Walk


Don de la part de

Nancy Crawford

23 sept. 2019 17:15

Don effectué sur VJ’s Ataxia Walk


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Stephanie Wolfert

23 sept. 2019 13:45

Don effectué sur VJ’s Ataxia Walk