Way to go everyone our goal is now $5000 I know we can do it! I finished my 1000 shots in hockey. remember there is still time to donate and take your shots. THANK YOU ALL!
How can I join? Easy! You commit to doing at least 1000 shots between now and October 20th. Your shots can be in any sport... Hockey, Soccer, Basketball or anything else. (it can also be any activity to keep you mentally and physically healthy). Ask your friends & teammates to join the challenge. Ask your parents to post the fundraising link on their social media for sponsors so we can help our community while improving our physical health and practicing the sports that we love.
This fundraiser is to support all the amazing work done at Sunnybrook hospital in the fight against Covid-19. We can feel safe as a community knowing there is a hospital close by and ready to treat patients in need. The money will help provide equipment and support for patients and staff and funds the important research for Covid-19 treatment.
Don't through away your SHOT! Remember every penny counts whether you donate $1 or $100 you are a hero. We know times are hard. If you can't donate, share the link on social media or participate in the challenge. The more people who participate in the challenge and ask for donations, the more money we can raise! Lets show the world kids can make a difference!
Donations over $25.00 will receive a tax receipt.