My name is Lillian Rose Frynta. I am a member of the Toronto Children's Chorus. This is my third year singing in the choir. Funnily enough, my three older sisters all sang in TCC. It is kind of a family tradition now. I remember going to my sisters' concerts when I was just three years old. I would always sit in the front rows, admiring how pretty they looked in their palazzo pants and velvet shirts. I loved to watch them sing music in foreign languages. I had no idea what they were saying but I loved how they sounded. Choir won me over when I saw my sisters dance. I love to dance, but what is even better is that you get to sing and move to the beat, just like everybody around you. I got to participate in one of the concerts. My two sisters were performing a piece called "Doraji". They were dancing with flowers. I was one of the flower girls who got to hold the baskets while all of the choristers came to me for their flower. I look forward to doing choreographed pieces. This year we are singing a piece called "It Don't Mean a Thing". Rumour has it that there will be choreography!
Now, of course, I love to sing. Singing in a choir takes technique, stamina, discipline. I would be lying if I said it was easy. I mean, memorizing German and Lithuanian takes practice and patience. But it pays off.
Already in the short time that I have been apart of the choir, it has given me so much. But all that is has to offer would not be possible without the support of people such as you.