Let's begin with a small introduction to the team!
Introducing Sammi the mastermind behind the plan. Dustin and Max the brute leg power to get us to the finish line! Last but not least Patrick the teammate that never gives up!
We are riding 500km during September to raise funds for SAFE-Farm Animal Sanctuary. We have an ambitious goal of raising 5K to help with the barn build before the cold sets. SAFE is a recuse Sanctuary for neglected, abandoned, mistreated farm animals.
Our first big September Ride will be from Candiac to Bromont to be received by our First Amazing Sponsor Gaia Restaurant! We are so happy to have Gaia Sponsor our big weekend ride on September 18th!
Covid was hard on everyone including SAFE, with their ever-growing family of rescues they are in desperate need of more barn space to house all animals. Originally, they wanted to build a barn big and high enough to accommodate the cows. Unfortunately, the price of wood doubled, so they opt for plan B: a smaller barn, insulated and heated, to house goats, sheep, chickens, turkey and ducks. Next year they want to build a larger barn for the rest of the animals.
SAFE estimates the cost of the build of the small barn to be over $20,000. They are almost at their goal. Our 5K donation will help them top their goal of building that barn!
We hope to have your support by donating to our ride for SAFE and all the rescue animals! If you cannot donate please help our Team by sharing this post with your friends and family!
If we have 1000 people donate $5.00 we can hit our goal! Let's do this for SAFE!
See you at the finish line!
Sammi, Dustin, Max and Patty
Lots of love on behalf of SAFE