Welcome to our Pie-In-The-Face Personal Challenge Fundraiser as part of SVP Teens! Donate to our challenge today and nominate the teacher who you would like to see getting pied in the face. Be sure to include their name in the Personal Message section of the donation form! Which ever teacher receives the most votes will be pied in the face later this month! Help us reach our $100 goal!
Choose from one of the five teacher candidates: Mr. Wilson, Ms. Carmichael, Mr. Bell, Ms. Crockett or Mr. Graansma!
To ensure covid safety with this fundraiser, we will be asking that teachers send a video of themselves getting pied in the face at home, by a family member. Witness all the fun as we advertise these videos on our Instagram account (@pieintheface_svpteens) and be sure to check out the other personal challenges that other SVP Teens are engaging in!
At SVP Teens we value staying connected with our community, especially during the lockdown, and supporting local initiatives. Working alongside dedicated adults and teens, we are always aiming to build a better community. With our latest fundraiser, we hope to bring some fun and creative challenges to the table. Stay tuned!