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HOPE in Action
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About Fundraiser
Fundraiser by HOPE worldwide Canada
We are all a part of the community. And despite living in a country as affluent as Canada, there are many needs in our communities…food insecurity, people without a roof over their heads, children without family units.
At HOPE worldwide Canada, we are all about"Inspiring greater hope" as wecreate programs through our Chapters that from coast to coast that engage community members to take ACTION and meet the needs in their local communities.
As we atHOPEworldwideCanadacelebrate our 30th anniversary as a registered Canadian non-profit, please join our community of volunteers and donors on June 10th in taking ACTION to help those who are struggling all across Canada. JoinHOPE in Actionto help fund our programs that meet needs,Bringing hopeand Changing lives. ™