On December 21st, 2017 our church at 105 Slack Rd and main location of Living Waters (Also home of Revolution457, 457 The Edge, The Skatepark Project, The Crucifixion - Passion Play etc..) caught fire and was devestatingly burned to the ground. Everything from the City Care foodbank to the youth events hub and indoor Skatepark, from the media, lighting and musical equipment to the priceless costumes (formerly of the NAC) which were apart of the 25+ year running passion play, The Crucifixion were lost and much more.
Not only has a meeting place been lost for the congregation of LW but for the countless youth and volunteers who have actively called this place home throughout the years.
Please help us in rebuilding all that was lost and in looking towards creating a new future for the community and work of LW.
$500,000 - The initial goal set is to raise funds to replace the contents of the building that were lost.
Charitable Tax receipts will be issued via CanadaHelps.org
If you would like to donate via cheque direct to Living Waters please send by mail to 105 Slack Rd., Ottawa, ON, K2G 0B7 (all mail will be forwarded)