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Harry Binks - Dream Team 2017

Harry Binks - Dream Team 2017

Fundraising Goal

$7,270 raised of $5,000 goal

Fundraising Period

Fundraiser ended on April 26, 2017

Fundraising Supporters

56 supporters
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About Fundraiser

Fundraiser by Harry Binks - Dream Mountains

Harry Binks - Dream Team 2017

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CARE Canada

Where it is needed most

Amount raised$0.00
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Supporter Wall

Kathy E donated $50!

So proud of you Harry! You are grabbing onto life, and helping others along the...

Shirley B donated $20!

Someone donated $117 anonymously!

Gotta round that up! One step at a time, friend...

Malcolm R donated $100!

The steps will not be even like Minto Place Be safe and all the best

Gaye M donated $100!

Good Luck Harry with your climb!!!!Come back safe.

Stephanie K donated $60!

Good Luck! Remember to breathe and that you are stronger than you think - one st...

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