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Britney's Head Shave Fundraiser

Britney's Head Shave Fundraiser

Fundraising Goal

$4,000 raised of $1,500 goal

Fundraising Period

Fundraiser ended on October 23, 2021

Fundraising Supporters

30 supporters
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About Fundraiser

Fundraiser by Britney Krzeminski

In June 2020 someone I love was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Through their journey it has become clear to me how important continued research into treatment of brain tumors is. We have come a long way, but there is still work to be done in getting anyone diagnosed with a brain tumor life saving treatment and care. I would love to help raise money for this cause. As an added bonus, I will be cutting my hair based on funds raised. I haven't cut my hair for the past 4 or 5 years and it is now 28 inches long! If I can raise $500 I will cut it to a shoulder length bob. If I hit $1000 I will cut it into a pixie cut. If I can raise $1500 or more I will shave my head! All my hair that comes off I will be donating to Chai Lifeline Canada to make wigs for those who have lost their hair due to illness. 

Britney's Head Shave Fundraiser

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Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada/fondation canadienne des tumeurs cerebrales

Area of Greatest Need

Amount raised$4,000.09
Donate directly to charity

Supporter Wall

Courtney T donated $245!

Had to make it an even number!

Louise M donated $220!

I am so proud of you ??

Someone donated $515.09 anonymously!

Kelly N donated $50!

Congratulations on surpassing your goal. The Nash family

Someone donated $500 anonymously!

Karen C donated $100!

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