Welcome to the Muskies Canada Adopt a Muskie Program
Muskies Canada is proud to announce that you, your family and friends can now adopt a beautiful baby muskie.
For just $20.00 you can adopt a muskie fingerling being raised for the Lake Simcoe Muskie Restoration Project (LSMRP) Your funding will go directly to the new LSMRP fund, a charitable fund under the Muskies Canada Foundation. Each donation of $20.00 or more will be given a charitable tax receipt. Each adoptee will receive an official Muskie adoption certificate and adoptees can follow their Muskies development on the Lake Simcoe Muskellunge Restoration Project Hatchery Facebook page.
Your donation can be processed using major credit cards, Interact or your PayPal account. Charitable donations to Muskies Canada projects are co-ordinated and suported through the Community Foundation of Ottawa and the Canada Helps group. Click on the arrow to the left of the Details on the 2nd page of he donation form to confirm which fund your donation is being directed to.
If you opt to include your name, email and mailing address in the Anonymity Preference section, we will mail you a personalized Adopt-A-Muskie certificate.