*Update June 19, 2023*
We feel like we can do more for Mental Health -
Stampede is coming up, let's crush that goal!
(then have pancakes)
This Neighbour Day marks 10 years since the first Neighbour Day - at that time we came together to help in the aftermath of the floods. Acadia helped by giving some displaced Calgarians a place to stay until they could get back to their homes.
10 years later, we might not be in the grips of an apparent emergency, but there are many of us needing help again.
So much of life's day to day offerings are more than we are able to handle, sometimes it's a little too much, sometimes it's a lot. All that is to say is that when you need to reach out for help it's important to have a resource that does what it can to keep us on an even keel. For many of us that's the Canadian Mental Health Association.
We're hoping as neighbours we can come together to help once again, and have some fun doing it.
Some of you might recognize this beard, some may not - but for one* lucky donor they will be given the chance to see what chin lies beneath.
We're gonna 'Cut that beard'!
If you are the one who makes the largest donation*, you'll be given scissors (or clippers...your choice) to be the first one to see the chin beneath - first time in literally years!
So join us, make a donation here or on Neighbour Day to be the one to 'Cut that Beard'
*in the event of a tie, have the winners determine if they want to all join in - play rock,paper,scissors - something, we'll figure it out. You have to be there to do the cuttin'