GuelphGives for GivingTuesday…and your city can, too!

This post was provided by Brittney Dudar of GuelphGives, as part of our GivingTuesday series.

Guelph Gives GivingTuesday


The GuelphGives team has been busy planning to be Canada’s most generous city this December 2nd. We’re so excited for GivingTuesday and want to throw down the gauntlet to other cities across our nation. Who’s up for the challenge to take the title of Canada’s most generous city!?

The BMore Gives More Team helped us in getting started by sharing how they rallied their city last year, so we wanted to share some tips for getting a city-wide giving day started in your city based on where we are so far in the GuelphGives planning. There is still plenty of time before December 2nd to get moving, so here’s a few of our learned lessons that are sure to put you on the path to success for launching GivingTuesday in your city.

1. Find a champion(s). Who is a really passionate, change-maker in your city? Is it you? Do you know someone who would be a good lead on the movement in your community? Perhaps 2 or 3 people? Our co-chairs met at a social good networking event in Guelph called #Goodworking, and from there GuelphGives was really born!

2. Identify key influencers. We’re talking the real movers and shakers. You’ll quickly learn who these folks are when you get out there and start talking about bringing GivingTuesday to your city. People will say “Oh, you’ve got to talk to so and so they will love this.” Voila, the doors begin to open. If you have time and resources, form sub-committees; create a work-back plan, a budget, communications plan, etc. whatever you can do. Don’t be afraid to task those who have indicated interest to take on certain tasks. It’s the only way to get ‘er done!

3. Persistence is key. If you attempt to meet with a business executive, community executive director or others and they can’t meet on your proposed time, suggest an alternate time or a phone call meeting, or explain the concept via email. You need everyone on board, so it’s important to dedicate specific time to personally engaging people as participants.

4. Optimism. We can’t stress this enough! We really want our day in Guelph to be epic, but we also know that we’re one of the first Canadian cities rallying like this, so it’s important to remember that the mere fact that this is happening in Guelph is awesome, and that in itself is a success!

5. Share stories and content regularly to showcase what local businesses and charities are on board and how they are supporting the initiative. Use their logos, share a blog post, and ensure they spread the word to their customers, donors and databases.

6. Have fun! This is really one of the most important things. While some friendly competition among local businesses and nonprofits could be fun and add to the hype of the day, GivingTuesday is about generosity, volunteerism, celebrating your city and each and every one one of the good things happening. Have fun with it!

GivingTuesday is happening in Guelph and across Canada on December 2nd, 2014 and we hope that you will be part of the GivingTuesday movement as well, wherever you are!

Wanting to get started?

Go for it. We don’t know what will come of GuelphGives on December 2nd, but we’re working hard and hoping for the best! Even if you can bring awareness to your local causes or raise a ton of money for one great organization in need, just do something. We guarantee your love for your city will grow and the response will be more than you could have ever imagined.

We won’t all wear the title of Canada’s “most generous city” but we could all be part of an even greater vision: making Canada the most generous country in the world! Who’s up for it?

Feel free to contact us at with any questions about what we’re doing for GivingTuesday.

Yours generously,

-The GuelphGives Team. 1 City. 1 Day. $1 Million.

P.S. Follow the #GuelphGives story on Twitter!

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