Sustaining Sītavana: Birken/Sītavana Monastery's Monthly Giving Circle

Birken Forest Buddhist Monastery, Pali name of Sītavana (Cool Forest Grove), continues to thrive because of the enduring support of countless donors for over 30+ years. This perpetuating wheel of lay support and the sharing of Dhamma by the Sangha can only continue to turn with regular, sustaining contributions. To that end we've created Sustaining Sītavana: Birken/Sītavana Monastery's Monthly Giving Circle.

If you are a current monthly donor, you're already part of Sustaining Sītavana (to change your monthly donation amount, just log into your CanadaHelps Donor Account). If you wish to join our circle at the monthly giving levels of Supporter ($30), Benefactor ($150), Patron ($500), or any other amount, please use the donation form on this page. Your monthly gifts will go to our day-to-day General Giving Fund (see examples of some of those costs at our Support page:, providing a sustaining level of commitment that allows us to plan for upcoming needs, as well as provide a welcome level of stability as we continue our work in the world.

Anumodana! We rejoice in your tremendous generosity and great merit.


BN: 892635483RR0001

Sustaining Sītavana: Monthly Giving Circle

Sustaining Sītavana: Monthly Giving Circle

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