Adopt an Observer

The eyes and recorders of RMERF are the Principal and Assistant Observers.

Your support of the ADOPT AN OBSERVER program will help RMERF to fund Principal and Assistant Observers yearly expenses related to the semi-annual Golden Eagle and other raptors migration watches.

Without the ADOPT AN OBSERVER program, RMERF will miss over 700 hours seasonally of raptor observation, and have a gap in recorded data for the first time in over 30 years! In these ever changing climate conditions, the migration counts are more important than ever. To prevent the erosion of the value of one of the longest migration counts in Canada, RMERF seeks an on-going and sustainable funding source to help compensate the RMERF Observers for their many hours of passionate and experienced work.

All donations will receive a tax receipt. Please donate a minimum of $150., by a one-time donation or monthly contributions, in recognizing our local raptor watching Observers. For as little as 40 cents per day, you can help RMERF continue this critical work.


BN: 866555683RR0001

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