I would like to make a designated donation toward the ATCatalyst / BethanyKids Project
Donation options: You may donate on line at this site or donate with a cheque. Make cheques out to BethanyKids, and on the cheque Memo line write "AT Catalyst Project". Mail to BethanyKids, PO Box 1202, Kingston, ON K7L 4Y8.
More about Assistive Technology Catalyst Project for wheelchair services / providing wheelchairs for children in sub-Saharan Africa:
A Catalyst Sparks CHANGE. That's what ATCatalyst is all about.
Through ATCatalyst, we make connections between wheelchair providers, hospitals, and medical caregivers to help provide well-fitting, functional wheelchairs to people who need them.
The Compelling Need: In many cultures, disability is often viewed as a curse. Families of people with disabilities often feel ashamed—as if they had done something wrong. Disabled people feel isolated and rejected. When disabled children grow too large to be carried, they are frequently left on the floor in a back room of their dwelling or sent out to beg on the streets.