A Big Move for Emily Carr University

Guest Blogger

Charity Spotlight: This post was provided by Mengya He, Membership + Communications Assistant, Advancement + Alumni Affairs at Emily Carr University, as part of our ongoing charity spotlight series.

Emily Carr University

The 2,002 full time students enrolled in Emily Carr University’s undergraduate and graduate programs are at the centre of our mission and vision. We are proud to provide a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment that inspires students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the public. We also respect and value diversity, and aim to increase accessibility through our Indigenous, international, financial, internal, and external capacity building.

Emily Carr University of Art + Design, established in 1925, is a world leader in education and research. Encouraging experimentation at the intersection of art, design, media and technology, our learning community merges research, critical theory and studio practice in an interdisciplinary environment. Alumni and faculty are internationally recognized as award-winning creators and thought leaders who have enormous impact on both the cultural sector and economy. We engage students, industry, and society to continuously explore and think differently about creativity and how it shapes our world. Emily Carr is building a state-of-the art campus for 21st century learning at Great Northern Way. The University will be at the centre of a new social, cultural, educational, and economic engine for British Columbia.

Moving to Our New Home

There has never been a more exciting time for students at Emily Carr. In 2017, Emily Carr University will move to its new home at Great Northern Way in Vancouver, British Colombia. The new campus contains many substantial improvements over our current site to better support students and their creative practices. Our new campus will support more sizable studio spaces; innovative and flexible furniture; and stunning views of the atrium, theatre, gallery and Aboriginal Gathering Place. It is a place that will inspire creativity, sparks passion, and shape opportunities for our current and future students.

As we near 50 percent completion of the new building, we asked students who will be part of the first graduating class at Great Northern Way to share their thoughts about Emily Carr University’s move next year. Meet Joey, Maleeha and Joseph from the Class of 2018.


“I just finished my second year in industrial design. I enjoy working with my hands and like making things. What I love the most about student life at Emily Carr is the community here. It is a very supportive community and everyone is open-minded. I’m very excited about the move. I do love the current campus and am a little sad about leaving it behind. However, I know the new campus is going to be good for the students. There is more support for our practice. I have also been involved in the students’ union and their $315,000 contribution to the new campus.”—Joey Cheung 


“I am a second year student in illustration. What I enjoy the most about studying at Emily Carr are the people. It is a community full of compassionate people who also make things fun. I have mixed feelings about the move, mostly positive. I am a little worried that it will be a difficult adjustment for students, especially for fourth year students, to get familiar with the new campus, new facilities, and so on. But this is a big change, and I feel proud of Emily Carr for doing this. It is a new beginning and the school will become a hub of its own. One thing I would like to see in the new campus is sustainable energy use.”—Maleeha Paracha



“I am currently a second year student in photography. As a person who never encountered art prior to Emily Carr, I didn’t have anyone to share my excitement. The new people I get to meet, the critiques I have received, and the works I share with others are all the most essential points of why I like the school. Honestly, I am super excited about the move. I look forward to the new location, new facilities and interacting with fellow students and professors at the new campus. I believe the new location will reduce students’ commute time as there is a Skytrain station within walking distance.”—Joseph Cha 

You can support emerging creators like Joey, Maleeha and Joseph by making a gift to Emily Carr University. Your contribution to The Big Idea Capital Campaign will help us provide students with a world class learning environment.

To learn more about Emily Carr University of Art + Design, or to make a donation, please visit their Charity Profile Page >>>

Updated on January 23, 2019

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