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Achieving Gender Equity

Registered Name: YWCA Canada

Business No: 888789393RR0001

Achieving Gender Equity

YWCA is dedicated to fostering environments where women's voices shape discussions, policies, and perceptions. YWCA Canada values partners who recognize our 150-year legacy of developing and implementing programs by and for women.

While significant strides are needed to advance gender equity, philanthropic funders have the power to propel the feminist movement forward by offering consistent, adaptable, and long-term support directly to feminist institutions like YWCA Canada.

Currently, the rhetoric supporting women, girls, and gender diverse individuals is not matched by actual funding to feminist institutions, and this disparity must be addressed. Research indicates that when women-led organizations receive direct resources, they are better equipped to challenge and transform the laws and practices that perpetuate their oppression and marginalization.

Please consider fueling the YWCA Canada, the largest and oldest feminist organization in Canada, to continue advocating for gender equity and a safe future for all women, girls and gender-diverse people across Canada. 

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