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Women's Centre of York Region


Business No: 134859024RR0001

WCYR provides opportunities, support and resources to all persons who identify as women on their journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Women's Centre of York Region

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About Women's Centre of York Region

Since 1977, WCYR has offered a safe place for women to build self-esteem, the tools to develop a plan of action and build the skills they need to help themselves and their families. The majority of women seeking support experience intersecting socioeconomic barriers to success, our programs are the necessary wrap-around supports to meet individual and diverse needs. We provide free evidence-informed programs that build women's assets towards a Sustainable Livelihood, all in one place.

Our mission is using a strengths-based, trauma-informed feminist approach, we provide opportunities, support and resources to all persons who identify as women on their journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The core programs we are offer are listed below and are free for any women in need.  

  • Making Changes provides the tools required to increase self-esteem, develop healthy relationships, become strong decision-makers, set healthy boundaries, manage conflict and effectively communicate.   
  • Transitional and Housing Support Counselling provides emotional and practical support to ensure women and their children can leave an abusive relationship safely.   
  • Individual Counselling provides solution-focused counselling services for women who have experienced violence, domestic or otherwise, to help them regain confidence and work towards a sustainable livelihood, free from abuse.   
  • Financial Empowerment is a six-week group program that empowers women to take greater control of their finances and create a life of financial independence and stability.   
  • Enterprising Careers is a career exploration program that assists women with their search for meaningful and sustainable employment.   
  • Tangible Supports offers financially vulnerable women attending our programs basic support such as food resources, personal care items, winter warmth items, technology and help with transportation.   

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  • Volvo Cars Newmarket donated $100.00!

    Thank you from Newmarket Volvo and Newmarket Mitsubishi

  • Frances F donated $100.00!

    Thank you for all the great work you do in our community!

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#207-16775 Yonge Street

Newmarket, ON, L3Y 8J4

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