Registered Name: WildResearch Society
Business No: 845638006RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
WildResearch’s mission is to build, train, and educate a community that contributes to conservation science.
At WildResearch, we develop and run citizen science programs because it enables us to conduct conservation science research while offering skills to our membership, and engaging the public with the nature around them. Our programs are developed and run by the WildResearch Board of Directors, a group of dedicated professional biologists and graduate students who have the skills and knowledge to develop innovative and impactful citizen science programs. WildResearch programs simultaneously provide our volunteers with hard-to-obtain skills in conservation science, so that they can go on to conduct their own research.
We believe that community is the cornerstone of effective conservation science because it motivates and empowers people to contribute, and it’s fun too!