Business No: 831171723RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council is a non-profit that supports awareness & community engagement to reduce suicide and its impact.

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Our Mission
To reduce suicide and its impact through collaboration, education, training and building a sense of belonging.
We envision a compassionate community leadership in suicide prevention, guiding the work of hope, help and healing.
WRSPC’s work is guided by our four key priorities: building a sense of community, engaging priority populations, organizational capacity, and growing provincial and national reach. You can read more about our key priorities here.
WRSPC serves as a hub and point of connection for those engaged in the work of suicide prevention. We understand our role in the community as supporting the work of hope, help and healing:
Hope Is The Prevention Work.
WRSPC supports hope through:
- The development and distribution of resources to the community.
- Social media engagement and campaigns.
- Presentations in schools and workplaces on stress, mental health, and suicide prevention.
- Community events, such as Community Skates, which help to foster peer relationships, social inclusion, and a sense of belonging.
Help Is The Intervention Work That Occurs When Individuals Are Struggling With Thoughts Of Suicide.
While WRSPC does not provide direct suicide intervention, we help by facilitating access to training workshops such as START, SafeTalk, and ASIST.
Healing Includes Activities That Are Provided To Support Individuals And Families In Our Community Grieve And Heal After A Loved One Has Died By Suicide.
WRSPC supports the work of healing by:
- Providing a free suicide bereavement group, known as the “Why… Support After Suicide Loss” group. You can learn more about this group here.
- Providing access to a virtual bereavement learning series.
- Hosting a yearly World Suicide Prevention Day event for the community.
supporter wall
Michael C donated $1,250.00!
Strummerfest 2022 is pleased to have been helping WRSPC for the past decade to k...
Robert H donated $50.00!
Thank you
Wayne & Lynda M donated $100.00!
Thank you for all the great work you do