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Waldorf Independent School of Edmonton

Registered Name: Waldorf Education Society of Edmonton

Business No: 854935087RR0001

The Waldorf Independent School of Edmonton believes in learning to change the world, educating the whole child with Head, Heart and Hands.

Waldorf Independent School of Edmonton


The Waldorf Independent School of Edmonton (WISE)

The Waldorf Independent School of Edmonton is the city's only Waldorf school.  The school is committed to providing accessible, holistic and nurturing education for children and to energizing the community in Ottwell and surrounding neighbourhoods.   WISE is one of the only Waldorf schools in all of North America to maintain a policy of accessibility where those with limited or no ability to pay fees are invited to make a contribution through volunteerism. 

What makes a Waldorf education different? 

Waldorf seeks to educate the whole child, Head, Heart and Hands at each stage of their growth. Learning is focused on nurturing the imagination of young children, the expanding interaction with the world in the elementary years and the challenging academics of the later years.  All classes contain robust academic learning infused through a deep connection to art and nature designed to explore every child's full potential, nurture their spirit of curiosity and cultivate a lifelong love of learning.

Waldorf education offers this through a deep connection to the rhythm of the daily life in each classroom and through community life expressed through community-oriented festivals and fairs, including the Pumpkin Walk, Lantern Festival, Winter Fair and Mayfair.  The school supports students and parents alike to preserve the magic of childhood from the distractions of an increasingly hurried world.

Governance and legal accountabilities

The school is operated by the WESE (the Waldorf Education Society of Edmonton) a voluntary non-profit Charity, founded in 2002.  A volunteer board is elected each year to govern the school.  The Board holds the same accountabilities as any other school board in Alberta. 

Alongside fees and donations, the school receives a capitation grant from Alberta Education.  We are registered as an independent school, dedicated to teaching the Alberta Education curriculum using Steiner pedagogy.  The school completes and has proved highly successful, in Alberta Education testing.  Please contact the school directly for further details.


7211-96a Ave


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