Victoria School Foundation for the Arts
Business No: 897521795RR0001
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The Foundation awards scholarships for talented Victoria School of the Arts students to pursue careers in the performing and visual arts.
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To dream the possible dream... that’s the Foundation’s vision for all talented Victoria School of the Arts students.To achieve this end the Victoria School Foundation for the Arts was launched with a million dollar dream to ensure that no student is denied the opportunity to achieve his or her artistic dreams. The Foundation now has a $2 million endowment fund. As of June 2013, 226 scholarships have been awarded totalling $539,500 to Victoria School graduates. Students were accepted into the National Theatre School, Sheridan College, Emily Carr and many other prestigious schools to pursue careers in the performing and visual arts.A number of named scholarships have been endowed by our donors or in recognition of staff or other supporters of the school. They areas follows:
- Barbara Poole Scholarship - $7000
- Vera Gottschlich scholarship-$6500+ preference given to the study of classical piano
- Landmark Homes scholarship- $6000
- Trussler/Price scholarship - $5000
- Arthur Hiller scholarship- $ 4500
- Bob Maskell scholarship- $4000
- Hole Family scholarship-$4000
- Stollery Family Scholarship- $3500
- Foundation Scholarship (to recognize all of our donors over the years) - $3000
- Dianne and Irv Kipnes Scholarship- $2500 preference given to the study of classical voice or piano
- Vera Gottschlich - $2500
- Canadian Western Bank Scholarship - $2000
- Brookfield Residential Scholarship - $1000 art or new media
- Judy Sills Scholarship - $1000 music
- Steve Ashworth Scholarship - $1000 film or video
In addition there are a number of awards for students to pursue summer school programs. The top award is the Scotiabank award of $1000.As well, the Foundation provides the Dreams Alive master classes each year to help students develop their artistic talent. Established artists from North America are invited to share their talents with carefully chosen students whom it is felt will benefit from extra instruction.The Foundation also raises funds in a partnership with the legal community deNovo Players to make improvements in arts equipment in the school, particularly the theatre.
supporter wall
Kathleen S donated!
Can't wait to see it!
Olivia M donated $500.00!
Please credit FRANKENSTEIN for this donation. My grandaughter Malia Wong is par...
Melissa M donated $100.00!
This donation is for the cast of Frankenstein.
Charmaine M donated $200.00!
In memory of Joan Pitfield